

When dad cheated on mum

I first discovered my dad was cheating on my mum when I was 20. It started off with fishy images I saw him receivingĀ on his phone. Then, he started to make morning calls every dayĀ after my mum had...


Have we lost the art of proper conversation?

“Okay everyone, we have a new person with us today. Let’s introduce ourselves:Ā Name, age, what we’re currently doing, and one fun fact.” Eventually, it was the new...

How-tos & Handles

The 4 stages of forgiveness

The Lord gently said to me one day, “There are still many areas in your heart that hold unforgiveness. You need to forgiveĀ deeplyĀ in order to soar.” Later, He showed me the map to deep...


Why I run from the people who love me

Iā€™m a runner. I run from problems. Iā€™ve come to realise that I instinctively put up my walls as defences. I distance myself and turn away from hard times. Itā€™s so easy to run when things are...


So you want to get married

So you want to get married …Ā  Are you crazy?! Why would you want to do that? Donā€™t you know how difficult marriage is? Marriage has been on the decline worldwide. In the US, it is estimated...

Real Life, Real People

The depressed husband, autistic child ā€“ and the woman who kept her family together

My husband and I really enjoyed life with each other. We did things together, we shared openly about everything. He would help me to clarify my thinking. He was my confidante. He was also my support...


2 non-negotiables when looking for a spouse

Marriage is hard. I think this is worth repeating. In caps and bold. MARRIAGE IS HARD. It’s worth repeating because, well, marriage is hard! Ask any married person, and confirm it with their...


From ‘I will never’ to ‘I do’

There were two times in my life that I said “I willĀ never” do something. Both times, I ended up doing the very thing I said I would not.Ā  The first time, I said: “I will never...


THIR.ST TALKS: Veteran Valentines share their secrets on how to make a marriage last

With increasing divorce rates, older marriages and fewer people opting for marriage, young couplesĀ may approach Valentine’s Day with weariness and trepidation. It seems ever harderĀ for a...