Church Life

There is no such thing as a perfect cell group

“If you were given a chance to pick seven people from the ministry to form your ideal cell group, who would you choose?” That was the question I felt God lay on my heart some time ago. I thought...


How God used a hackathon to save me from burnout and renew my passion for digital ministry

In 2017, I pioneered a social media team for my church. The plan was simply to build an online platform to disseminate church announcements. Since that moment, God has been bringing me on a journey...


The new Alpha Youth Series: Bringing the Gospel to the young, robustly and relevantly

Kicking off FOPx Worship Night last weekend, was the premiere of the new Alpha Youth Series. Aiming to bring the Gospel to young people in a relevant way, the Alpha Youth Series features videos of...

Money Matters

How can I be generous when I don’t have a lot?

Recently, when I was chatting with a friend over dinner, he asked, “What do you do when you don’t have enough for the month?” I shrugged, and almost instantly said, “I don’t know. I guess...


5 people in the Bible who teach us patience

Patience. The Bible has many great role models who uphold this fruit of the spirit well, and have been patient and faithful in their situations.  Today, we’re looking at five of these...

National Service

What I learnt as a frontliner in the Singapore Civil Defence Force

If you asked me what I’d be doing with my life in my 20s, I had never imagined myself ever saying: “I want to protect and save lives as a frontliner.” Yet, I found that this is...


Thinking about missions? These two new initiatives will help anyone take a first step

As Antioch Summit 2024 came to a close, two key initiatives were spotlighted: 1361 and Antioch Campus. 1361 is a training programme that offers personalised support for those who are committed to...


How a breakup, board games and the Alpha Course led me on a path to discover Jesus

Growing up in a family of freethinkers, Ting Wei knew little about religion. Though there were certain religious practices that his family would observe due to tradition, these were considered more...


Antioch Summit 2024: Many streams, one direction

On October 3, the second Antioch Summit was held at St.John’s-St.Margaret’s Church (Anglican) where pastors, missions elders and leaders came together in a time of vision-casting,...