

THIR.ST TALKS: Veteran Valentines share their secrets on how to make a marriage last

With increasing divorce rates, older marriages and fewer people opting for marriage, young couples may approach Valentine’s Day with weariness and trepidation. It seems ever harder for a...


The day I prayed for a wife

January marked the 1 year anniversary of my marriage to the most incredible woman. It’s easily been the best year of my life. I believe with all my heart that she’s a gift from God — one...


The most unequal yoke of all

“Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14) A yoke is an contraption...


The quest for true love

“I love the bak chor mee here!”  “I think I’m in love!” “God loves you!” Any of these phrases familiar to you? Thanks to pop culture, loose usage of the word “love” has cheapened...


Teach me to love

What is love? Christians like to go Greek when trying to understand the things of God. So here we go. The Greeks, in their sophistication, would be appalled at the crude generalisations of love in...


What if I don’t want to get married?

My mom’s favourite question: “Do you have a boyfriend ah?” Her second favourite: “When are you going to have one ah?” Our society places such a high value on BGRs. It’s not just my mom....


Unlucky in love? Learn from Leah

One of the most well-known love triangles in the Bible, the story of how Jacob ends up marrying sisters Leah and Rachel in Genesis 29 has been a mystery to most women of the modern age. In a...