Surveys & Reports

Day of His Power 2023: Voices across Singapore ring out in praise and prayer

It was seven regional centres but one Church in a special time of worship, adoration and prayer at Day of His Power (DOHP) 2023 last night. DOHP is held yearly on the eve of National Day, where...

Church Life

Gen Z believer: My hopes for young Christians in Singapore

I am a proud member of Gen Z (just about) and already have a decent sensing of how our generation stands out, whether it’s through our unique monopoly on TikTok silliness, the 0.5 selfie or our...

Surveys & Reports

Day of His Power 2023: Chinese-speaking church in Singapore stands in unity

The Mandarin-speaking Church in Singapore gathered last night for the Day of His Power (DOHP) – the third year there has been a Chinese edition of this annual prayer unity event. DOHP in Mandarin...

Church Life

Day of His Power 2023: Let’s pray for Singapore together

Unity attracts the presence of God. This is why we are gathering on this year’s Day of His Power (DOHP), to unite in worship and prayer as one Body of Christ. DOHP is held yearly on the eve of...


A prayer for our youth

As part of the 40.Day season of prayer, believers in Singapore have been praying on the need to Win the Youth. At a prayer meeting held this past Friday at my church, a father – who in recent...


Rebuking: How do we correct one another with grace and love?

If you saw a blindfolded man walking straight towards the edge of a cliff, wouldn’t you immediately and desperately yell for him to stop?  In principle, this urgency should guide our response...

How-tos & Handles

How this ENFP extrovert finally learnt to slow down

I’m an ENFP with a whopping 88% on the extrovert scale (crazy!).  This means that I glean energy through social interactions and thrive on meeting people.  Consequently, I tend to pack my...


Antioch Summit: It’s time to turn the tide

Church, we have a grave and growing problem in the area of missions. At the turn of the millennium (1990-2000), Singapore was ranked by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary as the number one...


Going the distance: 5 reflections from running a half marathon

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. You probably would have heard believers say this about our Christian faith. But do we truly know what that means? Indeed, this was one of the questions that came to...