

Learning to love the God of Job

The book of Job is a perplexing one to many Christians. Apparently older than Genesis, this book appears out of nowhere, and is more or less self-contained in its own independent context. The Bible...


The quest for true love

“I love the bak chor mee here!”  “I think I’m in love!” “God loves you!” Any of these phrases familiar to you? Thanks to pop culture, loose usage of the word “love” has cheapened...


Living with the gravity of doubt

Brought up in a church culture where everyone is taught to “just believe”, many Christians grow comfortable and complacent. We’ve got our own dialect of Christianese, hip pastors, and church...


The importance of being silent

“But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray” (Luke 5:16). Jesus did this often – even when “conventional” leadership wisdom would have held that He should keep going. He...


Faith: Simple or simple-minded?

It’s sad how we are called to unity, yet nothing divides like religion. When confronted with doubt and growing cultural opposition to organised religion, Christians may be tempted to respond...


Can’t think of a New Year’s resolution? Here’s some inspiration

Lose some weight. Start exercising. Save up for the dream holiday. Typical resolutions we’ve all heard our friends – or even ourselves – recycled at the start of each year. But these are...


While you’re doing your New Year spring cleaning, get rid of your old regrets too

I am a proud hoarder. A hoarder of artefacts. A hoarder of junk. A hoarder of memorabilia. Endless birthday cards from the 23 birthdays I’ve celebrated. Stuffed toys I refuse to discard though...


How to deal with critics: Lessons from Mary and Joseph

Over Christmas, I got a chance to rewatch The Nativity Story (2006), a movie based on the story of Jesus’ birth. Among other things, it stars Oscar Isaac (who was also in Star Wars: The Force...


The heart of worship: More than a song

When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come When we ask, “How was the worship?”, we usually mean, “How was the music?” But worship isn’t just about the music. Music is just...