Love [noun]: Strong feeling of affection

Love. A word indescribable and uncontainable. A mere four letters, but four that can make a heart, or tragically break one. A tangible word, with an intangible sensation. At times, it clears your mind, yet it’s also a whirlpool of its own.

A word with two extremities. A pull yet a push. At times, a state of clarity yet confusion and a mystery.

Love. A word that I can only use to express the irregularity of my heartbeat. At times, it scares, yet it comforts.

A word that is undeserving for us. A word with an intricate meaning but made saturated and undermined because of us.

We live in a world where the definition of “love” is gradually evolving into one which is careless and abused. We fall deeply and desperately into love, whenever and wherever – despite not knowing what true love really is.

It also doesn’t help that in this time and age, where the Internet works faster than our brains can process information, we often turn to secular sites, blogs and posts to try to gain a deeper understanding of what love is.

We start defining “love” as whatever the world says it is, and we learn to love according to the ways the Internet tells us to.

Then, when the people whom we love disappoint us in ways we never imagined they would, we begin to lose faith and hope in love. And then, somehow, we turn back to the same avenues to find the hope and faith to love again – the very same platforms that advised us wrongly in the first place. We are broken by an illusion, a delusion, yet we fall for it every single time.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)

What is true love? God’s love. God’s love is agape love, unconditional, the highest form of love. The one love that we constantly shun away from, yet the very same love that we’re all seeking.

When God sent His Son to die for us, He demonstrated His love for us. We were all condemned to eternal death, but because of Love, Jesus chose to be crucified on the cross for our transgressions. Just so that we can meet the God of Love and the God who is Love.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

We can never be truly satisfied with the love the world gives, but only in Jesus can we find the true satisfaction of love.

I cannot lie and say that I have found a 100% contentment in the love of Christ, but everyday is a learning journey to open my heart more and more to receive this agape love from God.

But if there’s one thing we are promised, it’s that God’s love never fails. I’ll take that.

For one will scarcely die for a righteous person — though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:7-8)