

Struggling with your pile of guazi? Let PATIENCE grow

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: CHINESE NEW YEAR EDITION There’s always that one snack in the black candy box that never quite needs a refill: Guazi, or melon seed. Why? Because it’s so much work!...


Shelling groundnuts? Take a crack at KINDNESS

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: CHINESE NEW YEAR EDITION Given the humble groundnut’s impressive array of health benefits – monounsaturated fats, protein, antioxidants, other awesome nutrients, and low...


Love the taste of pineapple tarts? Try God’s GOODNESS too

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: CHINESE NEW YEAR EDITION Buttery. Sweet. Tangy. Melts. In. Your. Mouth. Every household’s got their own choice selection of Chinese New Year goodies, but the one item...


What sticks better than nian gao to the teeth? Try a little FAITHFULNESS

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: CHINESE NEW YEAR EDITION Light the candles for the birth of a new year – nian gao is served! Sounding like “high year” in Mandarin, these “new year”...


Polishing off that kueh bangkit? Do so with GENTLENESS

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: CHINESE NEW YEAR EDITION One of my favourite CNY snacks is the crumbly, soft, forever delectable kueh bangkit. My relatives knew this from the rate that I, as a child, would...


Eyeing another slice of bak kwa? Exercise SELF-CONTROL

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: CHINESE NEW YEAR EDITION You’ve seen the queues. You’ve smelled it roasting. You probably can taste it as you read this. It’s the almighty bak kwa! Also known...


The case for good old theology

Theology. Doctrine. Religion. Scary words often scapegoated, seen as potentially divisive and antagonistic to true spirituality. A movement has started to rid the church of boring theological...

Real Life, Real People

In his 101 years, Ah Gong experienced toil, addiction and amazing grace

A week ago, my grandfather – former coolie, former opium addict – was called Home, at the grand old age of 101. Ah Gong has always been very dear to me. Not having him around with me for the rest...


The most unequal yoke of all

“Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14) A yoke is an contraption...