

The counter-cultural Christian

So you say you’re a Christian. So what? What difference does your being a Christian make? How different is the life you are living – whether it is the person you are or the things you do –...


I thought Science was supposed to point to Truth – not march in the opposite direction

In the wake of the Trump administration’s defunding of scientific research and ignorance-based policies, the people stirred. Like the women who marched before, Earth Day provided the clarion...


How separate should Church and State be?

Some people say the church’s vocal stance towards public policy and legislation is an adulteration of Jesus’ teachings. Jesus, after all, transformed culture bottom-up, rather than top-down. In...


Sharing the Gospel in a multi-religious society

The recent incident involving the imam who was fined $4,000 for making a supplication during a Friday prayer, “Grant us help against the Jews and the Christians”, is a reminder of the strict...


The paradox of Millennial “spirituality”

It’s said that we fear what we don’t understand. For Singaporean Millennials, it seems that fear has grown into avoidance, with more youths shunning religion of late. The reality is...


Men, women and abortion

I hear so many people repeating the idea that abortion is a “woman’s right” and that others should not interfere with a woman’s “right to choose”. Abortion is promoted in...


I don’t like the way I look – but I’m learning to love who I am

“Your daughter dances like an elephant,” my dance instructor announced to my mother in front of everyone after class one day. I was 7. It was nothing new. Every week the instructor did her best...


“Civilised nations do not kill our own children”: Lou Engle calls for Esthers to arise in Singapore

“In 1969, the Prime Minister of Singapore (Lee Kuan Yew) began to allow the legalisation of abortion and that decision was further sealed deeply by Roe v. Wade in 1973. But I prophesy that God is...


Faith and feminism: A love-hate affair

There exists no universal moral law that upholds women’s rights – or anyone’s rights for that matter. The moral claim that we should uphold women’s rights stems from the...