

The fire of a man

I’ve been doing some thinking about manhood and found this interesting model: At the core of this model lies activities like hunting and surviving wilderness: Spilling blood, building from...


Compassion without compromise

One of my friends came out to me. He said he was in a same-sex relationship. I found it a highly uncomfortable experience; it shocked me because this friend was a friend in Christ. What was worse...


There’s no pride to be had in colourless conversations

In typical gimmicky fashion, after featuring the “thankful” purple flower reaction on Mother’s Day, Facebook has now included a “pride” reaction – unsurprisingly...

Real Life, Real People

Scarred by the hand of man, saved by the Hand of God: A pastor’s journey of grace

He was only five when it happened. In those days, young Ian loved watching his father play Chinese Chess with the neighbourhood’s older residents. In fact, he looked solely to his father for...


I don’t shun you for your beliefs. Could I ask the same from you?

Christians? Haters. Bigots. Hypocrites. Party-poopers. Wet blankets. I’ve heard it all before. I come from an arts school and creative background, so I have friends — many friends, in fact...


Are we building the kingdom we were meant to?

This is a tale of two kingdoms. But they don’t occupy different territories, nor do patrolled borders lay between them. They are infused but in theory they’re immiscible, incapable of...


Coming out Christian

I am the worst at confrontation. Don’t let the volume of my voice and weight of my words fool you. It’s probably why I enjoy giving speeches rather than engaging in debates. Join the fight? Pick...


Politics and faith: If you’re not on the side of the Right, then what’s Left?

In the light of the “political Left’s” reaction to the Trump administration pulling the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement, American conservative blogger Erick Erickson recently...

Finding Purpose

Why be like everyone else? Just be you

Let’s say you’ve just entered a room. You don’t know anyone there. So you spend a bit of time observing everyone. How they move. When they speak. Where they stop. Their facial...