
I’m a Malaysian and I was the sound guy at Asbury University’s chapel service

I’ve been asked to talk about what’s going on right now in my university, Asbury, to hopefully shed light on the revival that’s broken out here. If you don’t know me, then my...


A Millennial walks into a room full of praying Gen Zs … and leaves full of hope

I thought I was young until I talked to someone born in 2003 … and realised that I was 30 (but still 29) this year. I remember the days when I was 20 … and when I blinked, I was suddenly...


Meet the team behind Youth Nights

A place for youths, by youths, to be reignited for Christ. That was the vision that Pastor Amos Pang (Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church, BBTC) shared with eight youths from Poly Revival, Praying...


God is moving in our schools: Encouraging stories from prayer groups

Many students in Singapore strive for academic excellence, popularity or just to survive. But isn’t there so much more to that? We believe in a God of limitless power who reigns over the...


What went down at our first event of the year for Gen Zs

The excitement in the chapel of Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church (BBTC) was palpable. With students bustling in the room in a flurry of different uniforms and school shirts, it was plain to see that...


Finding peace in JC: How I stopped comparing and left anxiety behind

I come from possibly the most prestigious junior college. I have bright peers who eventually became my closest friends. I visited their vast mansions, graced the corridors of their bungalows and...

National Service

Feeling the greatest shame, this NS boy’s life changed after one supernatural moment

TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains mentions of suicidal thoughts that some may find distressing. Just before National Day in 2018, I received a phone call from my parents. They had checked my bank...

Real Life, Real People

I didn’t care about my future, but now I live with purpose

When I was much younger, I was just living life day by day. I did not have much purpose in life and I was just thinking of having fun. As a result, I did not do well in my studies during secondary...


Sharing the gospel through 4 years of rejection, my friend finally encountered Jesus

Back in 2019, I was in Secondary 1 and faced verbally bullying behind my back. As such, I wanted to transfer out to another school — and there were actually vacancies when my mum checked for me....