Many students in Singapore strive for academic excellence, popularity or just to survive. But isn’t there so much more to that? We believe in a God of limitless power who reigns over the education space, so yes – there is much more! Here are four ordinary youths who share how they’ve seen God move in their schools and lives!
And if you’re interested in more encouraging stories like these from prayer leaders in school, stick around to the end of the article for details on how you can be a part of the Youth Night’s upcoming panel session (featuring these folks from the article!).

Setting lukewarm hearts ablaze
MELVIN SIM is the current leader of Praying Schools, a youth-led intercessory ministry that aims to journey and pioneer with prayer group leaders to push for revival across the education space.
As a second-generation Christian, I mostly thought that my personal walk with God was okay.
However, I’ve always had this notion that my walk with God was stagnant and perceived that there was a glass ceiling above me.
Even then, I thought this was fine as I had so much head knowledge of who Jesus was.
When I was in J1, I entered a prayer group simply because my classmate invited me.
It was there that I was blown away by the hunger and the desperation that my peers had for God’s revival to come upon my junior college (JC).
As I attended more prayer meetings, God started to reveal more about how wrong and wretched I was – and the fire of revival started to burn in my heart.
I had so much head knowledge of who Jesus was.
Today, as I mentor prayer leaders in Praying Schools, I am constantly reminded of where I started and how ignorant I was towards God.
Hence, my heart really aches for those who – just like I did – have become indifferent, apathetic, stubborn or even clueless to God’s heart for us.
My prayer is that you will realise just how much God desires your sonship, and how dearly He wants you to break through that glass ceiling that you have over your life.
Seeing miracles through obedience
Matthias Poh leads a prayer group in Edgefield Secondary School comprised of students who want to see likeminded Christians gathering and seeking the Lord.
Ever since I was young, I’ve seen many miracles happen in church. I always wondered if I would ever see the same in a school setting.
Taking my faith more seriously when I entered secondary school, I joined a prayer group and pursued God wholeheartedly.
… just be obedient, hungry for more of the Lord – and He will work through you!
However, something deep within me continued to doubt that the Lord could move mightily in my school.
Time flew by, and Secondary 3 had arrived. I went to various Christian events to seek the Lord in the hopes of an encounter.
While I witnessed miracles such as healing at these events, however, I always thought that it wouldn’t it be possible for a school like Edgefield to experience the same.
One night, as I was meditating on Isaiah 41:9, the Lord spoke to me.
I was challenged to gather my prayer group to sit with the Lord and just be with Him.
So I initiated the meet-up, and was hoping for a great move of God (though worried that not many would show up).
But God reminded me that the right people would show up, and as long as I obey, He would move mightily and miraculously.

Fast-forward to an enriching first day of the meet-up as we studied the Word and sought the Lord.
It was all going as I had planned until the second day, when I felt prompted by God to cancel every single plan I had made – and just sit there and worship Him.
Desperate for a move of God, I obeyed and we simply worshipped Him.
Suddenly, the Lord directed me to a friend at the meet-up and said to me, “You are going to pray for him”. My first thoughts were: “How, what and why?”
When God didn’t give me an answer I was left confused. But out of desperation, I decided to trust and obey God because I love Him and my brother-in-Christ.
I placed my hand upon my friend and started to pray. Suddenly, the presence of God came and washed over the whole room. It was so overwhelming that both of us began to tremble.
Spiritual, mental and physical healing started to take place – miracles which I did not even expect to happen!
Many people ask me, how do you lead a prayer group in a school? My reply would be to just be obedient, hungry for more of the Lord – and He will work through you!
Serving from Jesus’ example
ANNE NG used to be a leader in Poly Revival, a student-led network inspiring generations to live authentically for Christ. She led a prayer space in Singapore Polytechnic.
Throughout His three-year ministry, Jesus frequently demonstrated extraordinary humility in the servant leadership that He wanted His followers to emulate.
The idea of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples in John 13:1-20 had always seemed to me like a beautiful concept about humility.
I have heard countless sermons on servant leadership, countless exhortations at leadership camps about the Creator serving on his knees.
It was all still theory to me; the practical act of foot washing was something I did not encounter until I stepped out in faith to serve God.
One of my fondest memories from ministry was when the leaders of the different campuses gathered to pray for direction.
As we had been studying John 14-17, we decided to take communion together and wash one another’s feet as we prayed for each other.
What seemed a simple act of foot washing became a powerful and transformative experience for me.

It was a humbling moment as I knelt down to wash the feet of others and have my feet washed by fellow brothers and sisters.
I felt a deep sense of vulnerability and oneness as we shared in this intimate act of service, and was struck by the powerful symbolism of the act and the message it conveyed.
Washing someone’s feet represents a willingness to serve and a humility that is often lacking in modern society. It reminds us that true leadership is a sacrifice, not a privilege.
Jesus prepared to die the demeaning death of a slave by putting Himself in the place of a humble slave, serving as a slave – washing the disciples’ feet like the lowest of slaves.
I was prompted to reflect on this most profound act of humility – the Creator dying on the cross for mankind – that provides us with a complete, once-and-for-all cleansing from all of our sin.
A few months later, we emulated Jesus’ act of washing His disciples’ feet by doing the same for our juniors. Like the Son of Man, we lead not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45)!
Small things, big impact
ERIKA MOK is leading her school’s prayer space in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Called The Ark, it’s a safe space for people to seek refuge amidst the storm (just like Noah’s Ark) and a place for people to encounter God (just as the Ark of the Covenant represented God’s presence among the Israelites).
In late October, five of us from The Ark went on a prayer walk around campus. We were walking through the corridors of the lecture theatres of Block 73 when we came upon a list of the special interest clubs in Ngee Ann.
We stopped there for a while. A few of us boldly prayed that the students would have such a love for God, that He would be all that they’d want to talk about in their CCA.
I was agreeing with their prayers, but I found it so hard to imagine that happening.
I asked God: “Lord, why do you feel so far? Do we really need to disregard everything else to worship you? Then what’s the point of anything else?”
This was also some time after I agreed to lead The Ark.
I started to question whether I just had too little faith such that I had difficulty praying those prayers. I also questioned whether I even had a “heart for the school”.
As we continued to walk around Block 73, I just couldn’t stop thinking about how far away those prayers felt from reality.

That’s when God impressed something on my heart. I felt Him ask me: “Erika, do you think that I’m sovereign?” I replied: “Yes, Lord. Of course.”
“Am I sovereign over this world?” He continued. “Yes, Lord. Of course,” I answered.
“Then know that I am sovereign over all things secular. They are not out of My reach.”
That struck me deep within. God had revealed to me a new perspective: His presence can be experienced on campus in both the “big” and the “small” things!
When we walk up the hill to Makan Place and see the beautiful sky, when we hear friends having their karaoke sessions in the study rooms of Block 22, when we understand God’s purpose for us in our course – we will see Him.
We serve an unlimited God. He is not limited by the size of our offering, He is not limited by our faith, instead He is ever-faithful.
As we continue to contend for revival on our campuses, may we do all things from an overflow – seeking God in both the big and the small things!

Join us this Thursday for the opportunity to hear firsthand accounts of God moving in schools. Ask questions and engage in meaningful discussions with others who share the same heart.
Don’t miss this chance to be inspired and encouraged by the stories of those who have served as campus prayer leaders. Sign up for the panel session today!