The year was 2000. I was enrolling into primary school, and my father had just obtained his taxi driver’s vocational licence some three years after the Asian Financial Crisis. After multiple failed...
Recently, I was having lunch with a friend when the conversation pivoted to relationships. “I just know I’m not ready for a relationship,” she declared. My friend spoke with such certainty and...
For many churches, this will be their first time having a full-scale youth ministry camp after a long hiatus. As a youth and a youth leader, I’ve been reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts...
Usually held on the last Friday of each school term, the final Eat With Your Family Day for 2022 is coming up this Friday, November 18! Read on for suggestions on how you can spend time with your...
Have you ever wondered how long it would take to heal from a break-up? I struggled to even imagine ending a relationship, let alone a long-term one. But that was what happened when I ended my...
“I think we should just stay friends.” That day, I drew a clear line between us. There was no turning back the clock now — the friendzone was established. Ten months ago, we were total...
What does it mean to be a friend? In recent times I have been looking to the gospel of John for some answers. John is the gospel where Jesus calls His disciples friends (John 15:14), and then...
In Part 1 of our notes from our Instagram Live with Cliff and Wai Jia, we covered questions such as should girls make the first move, how do know when you’ve met “the one” and what...
From strangers who connected online to now a couple celebrating 10 years of marriage, Cliff Tam and Tam Wai Jia’s long-distance love story has intrigued many. We sit down with them for our...