
IG Live with Cliff Tam and Tam Wai Jia: Your questions on dating and relationships answered

From strangers who connected online to now a couple celebrating 10 years of marriage, Cliff Tam and Tam Wai Jia’s long-distance love story has intrigued many.  We sit down with them for our...


What we learnt from our disaster proposal (and how to avoid one)

“You OK for us to share this?” I asked nervously. “Yea, no worries,” shrugged Cliff, “It’s been so many years. And hopefully, it’ll resonate with someone!” Little did we expect for my...


Adam Levine, then Ned Fulmer. What drives a person to cheat?

There’s a very popular post on Reddit that’s often reposted. It’s about Adam Levine and the other Maroon 4 lying on the ground, next to a 10-year-old superfan with Down Syndrome, Christopher...


Singapore’s first metaverse wedding: The love story behind it and the hopes ahead

Clarence Chan (36) and Joanne Tham (32) made news last week, when they became Singapore’s first couple to get married in the metaverse. The Chans were married in a hybrid “phygital” wedding....

Real Life, Real People

Learning how to love my family: How God turned things around in my home

Growing up, I relished weekend outings with my family. We made trips to Malaysia and amusement parks. The most memorable was to a farm where I fed the goats and complained about the stench. But all...


How important is physical attraction in a relationship?

“Cliff, do you realise all the girls that you used to pursue have one thing in common? They all have long hair. I have long hair.” This was Wai Jia’s response after seeing the pictures of the...


Seek safeguards, learn to love: Lawyers’ thoughts in the wake of Section 377A repeal

Since the repeal of Section 377A was announced in Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day Rally speech on Sunday (Aug 21), various ministers have given more details on the steps that will...

Studies & NS

Blurred boundaries: How can we navigate grey areas while living on campus?

As a bright-eyed freshman, staying in hall seemed like the “must do” on everyone’s university bucket list. So you can imagine my joy when I got offered a spot. Entering university...


Reaching out to the family member who’s left the faith

Do you think it’s easier to share Christ to someone in your own family or to a stranger? I’ve encountered many Christians who find it difficult to talk to their family and relatives about Jesus;...