This special Father’s Day video series making its rounds on social media showcases four ordinary men who have opened up on their personal fathering journeys and the strugglesĀ they have faced...
My father pastoredĀ a family church for many years before he was made the chairman of the Singapore Centre for Global MissionsĀ (SCGM) to lead the local conversation on mission work. His ministry was...
I’ve got a funny relationship with my father. I mean, IĀ inherited hisĀ great looks (ahem ahem) and his passion for music, so from the outside, many would assume that I’m very much like...
I am a survivor of sexual and emotionalĀ abuse in my childhood. In my healing process, I’ve realised that while I thought I was unaffected by the repeated sexual assaults, the hurt and repeated...
My dear Daughter, You are barely three years old now and already I worry about the world you will have to face in the future. Actually, I’ve been worrying since you were in the womb.Ā I worry...
OneĀ midnight in April 1999, I was pushed into the operation theatre for an emergency operation. I was then 6 weeks pregnant. My first child was growing in my right fallopian tube and the tube was...
“IĀ was 25 when I got married and I told Jerry I didn’t want children.” Samantha Chia’s eyes crinkle into her trademark smile. She has the undeniable air of a mother, loving...
“One look at you and anyone can tell you are your father’s daughter. But you are a tough cookie just like me. I raised tough children,” my mother likes to say with pride. We get a...
As Singaporeans, we know the drill by the time we’re in our teenage years. Get married young, enjoy your first few years as a couple, work hard at your jobs and have children when you’re...