

Unequally yoked: Romance, regrets and revelation in this rollercoaster love story

When it comes to romantic love, many of us would have favourite verses from the Bible. But I’d wager that 2 Corinthians 6:14 wouldn’t be one of them. For those of us who develop feelings...

Real Life, Real People

#UnheardNarratives: Couples who broke up in church

Breakups are not easy to handle, much less in church where everyone knows everyone. So how should one react to a breakup? And why are breakups such a taboo topic anyway? For episode one of our new...


I waited four years to confess, right before she left for university abroad

The date is 16 July 2019, 8.45 pm. I was supposed to leave 15 minutes ago. I needed to head back to camp if I was going to make it for last parade at 2130 hours. But here I was, telling Julia that I...


#SpillTheTeh: 3 couples reveal what romance with a big age gap is like

โ€œ12 years leh! Can you imagine? When he was taking his PSLE, I was just born.โ€ That was the eye-raising parallel Zhi Ying drew when I asked if she had any considerations at the time about dating...


30+, single, and trying not to settle

Online dating in oneโ€™s 30s is not for the faint-hearted. Repeating answers to the same few questions for months on end, labouring to shape an organic conversation out of a vacuum, doing my best not...


7 areas to grow in as a dating couple

After going through these questions during my season of singleness, I met my boyfriend when I did not quite expect it. I must admit that dating was rather daunting for me at first. But Iโ€™ve since...


3 ways to grow a relationship well

Before being attached, I was single for a total of 25 years. When I was younger, I faced a lot of pressure, ridicule and scorn from relatives about being a single woman. At that time, I had no real...

How-tos & Handles

4 questions to ask yourself before embarking on a relationship

Marriage is something that Iโ€™ve wanted from a very young age, ever since I saw from my parents and grandparents what itโ€™s like to be married. Their lifelong love and commitment, as well as the...


#SpillTheTeh: The crazy things we do for love

Confessing to the same person seven times. Washing your crush’s feet in public. Replicating your eye-candy’s timetable based on trial and error. Wow. For Valentine’s Day this year,...