

IG Live with Cliff Tam and Tam Wai Jia: Your questions on dating and relationships answered

From strangers who connected online to now a couple celebrating 10 years of marriage, Cliff Tam and Tam Wai Jia’s long-distance love story has intrigued many.  We sit down with them for our...


What we learnt from our disaster proposal (and how to avoid one)

“You OK for us to share this?” I asked nervously. “Yea, no worries,” shrugged Cliff, “It’s been so many years. And hopefully, it’ll resonate with someone!” Little did we expect for my...


How important is physical attraction in a relationship?

“Cliff, do you realise all the girls that you used to pursue have one thing in common? They all have long hair. I have long hair.” This was Wai Jia’s response after seeing the pictures of the...

Studies & NS

Blurred boundaries: How can we navigate grey areas while living on campus?

As a bright-eyed freshman, staying in hall seemed like the “must do” on everyone’s university bucket list. So you can imagine my joy when I got offered a spot. Entering university...


What if my partner is poor? 5 questions to consider

When my father, a savvy businessman, first met with my then-boyfriend-and-missionary, Cliff, to get to know him better, he told Cliff to bring along an Excel sheet of all his savings and monthly...


My journey with same-sex attraction

I started developing same-sex attraction (SSA) when I was in primary school, when my senior introduced me to same-sex pornography and molested me for an extended period of time. I was not born with...


How can I be a godly man during courtship?

I don’t know about you. But this is not a topic I think about much. Nor is this something I talk about with my guy friends. Guys don’t just get together and say: “Hey, let’s...


Does being a strong, bold woman mean I’ll chase away potential suitors?

The air froze. Besides the clink of forks, there was nothing but an awkward silence.  I remember the look on the young man’s face as we had dinner in a beautiful restaurant he had carefully...


What I learnt from beating my friend in a dating contest

“Hey Ken, let’s make this a contest and see who gets 10 dates first.” I remembered sending this text message to my best friend in university while grinning from ear to ear. I was...