
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


Find it hard to pray?

When I was in Secondary Two, a friend said to me, “God has never answered my prayers. So I don’t believe in praying.” That was how Bobby Chaw, executive pastor of City Harvest Church, began his...


What is a breakthrough?

A breakthrough is something we’ve all heard about very often. It’s something we pray for and perhaps something we pray over others. Personally, I’ve often wondered what a breakthrough really...


Jesus is praying for you and me

When we think about prayer, our minds naturally start thinking of our needs and where we want to see God’s breakthrough for ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact, the...


Where are your accusers?

We are all on a search for significance. And this pursuit of significance varies in expression. For some, that pursuit may come in the form of an obsession to do “well” in life, for...


God has a promise for your life

Have you ever wondered, sitting across from a stranger on a train or at a coffeeshop, what is it that holds them together amidst all the challenges that they may be facing?  For a period of time, I...


What does it mean to glorify God?

Perhaps the best initial approach to this question is to rule out what “glorify” isn’t. Some would think that glorifying God is like adding glory to God. As if when something great is...


What are you wrestling with?

One of my favourite actors is Dwayne Johnson. He’s better known as The Rock, a nickname he got while he was still a professional wrestler. I love his acting versatility and his charisma;...


Is there such a thing as a cynical Christian?

I’m a pessimist and a cynic through and through. My knee-jerk reaction whenever something good happens is, “Let’s see how long it lasts.” And I always assume people are acting out of...


How do I know if my thoughts are sinful?

If I happen to see a scantily clad lady while walking along the street, have I sinned and lusted because I took notice of her in my mind? This was one of the questions my cell members asked a few...