
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


4 signs that God first loved you

Having recently read an article titled 4 signs that God isn’t your first love, it made me consider how God first loved us. God first loved us. He loved us first (1 John 4:19) and died for us...


A glimpse of God’s goodness and mercy

For the first time in my life, I believe with all my heart and soul that God is good. Not the fleeting “God is so good” when a prayer is answered. Nor the reluctant “God I choose...

Movies & TV

The black holes of my heart

I remember being stunned the first time I watched Interstellar. If you’ve watched it too, it was the scene with the black hole that left me particularly speechless. I remember hitting pause on...


The things we need to throw away

There has been a lot of hype recently about Marie Kondo and her “does it spark joy?” movement. Being someone who also likes to keep things tidy and neat, I concur with her that decluttering is...


Have you traded Jesus for the things of this world?

Oh, how often we trade Jesus for other things! We give up His promises and His goodness for things that seem better in our worldly eyes.  On this topic of exchange, there were 2 such instances...


What protects you in life?

This may sound strange, but I find walls extremely interesting. World-famous walls mostly. In school, I was taught how such walls played or are playing an important role in moulding a nation’s...


Wanting what God wants

“I only have one question for you: Did God ask you to go for this conference?” I felt my heart drop when she said that. I am someone who has always shared about the importance of saying yes...


There is a way that seems right, but whose will is it anyway?

Last November, I was in Sydney to attend Hillsong’s Worship and Creative Conference. The conference had its theme based on the Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120-134) and was meant to inspire and equip...


Do you dare to pray for the desires of your heart?

I started praying for things again. I know, it sounds so silly to say it out loud, but I’ve recently started praying for my desires again. I am praying for what I want to see happen in my studies...