
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


No, repentance is not just being sorry

Nobody likes the feeling of knowing you’re in the wrong. It first hits you with a gnawing feeling inside your heart, and before you know it, it’s the works: Shame, humiliation, regret and...


Passion Week: Is Good Friday really that good?

I love Good Friday. It’s a public holiday and that means I don’t have to go to school. It’s also the only holiday that is sure to fall on a Friday. I can make plans to go shopping,...


5 amazing Bible stories where less is more

All through the Bible, we see God working with the smallest and/or unlikeliest of people, resources, and situations to do amazing things — even in Christ’s finished work at the cross. And because...


Passion Week: What does righteous anger look like?

It must have been a beautiful day for the entourage that followed Jesus to Jerusalem just the day before. He rode into the city on a donkey, fulfilling Scripture (Zechariah 9:9) to the adoring shouts...


Passion Week: Why does Palm Sunday matter?

When I was a teenager in my old church, I remember noticing how the Sunday School kids would wave around palm leaves once a year on a Sunday morning. I never knew what that was about. I just assumed...


Passion Week: Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?

Imagine you’re at the food court. A customer is unhappy because the ban mian auntie has yet to open her stall, even though opening hours haven’t started yet. “May you never have...


God hears your every word

Last night, I was praying before bed when I ended with an “Amen”. Amen. That word immediately triggered the question of why we end prayers with it. Why do we say: “In Jesus’...


Why should I bother reading the Old Testament?

Paul told the Christians in Rome that they would be encouraged and find hope as they read the Old Testament (OT). “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that...


Setting the slave free

Slavery is an awkward topic to broach in any Christian setting. To our modern minds, the only kind of slavery the Bible should talk about is the “spiritual” kind. Who today would want to...