
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


Cloudy with a chance of breakthrough

Have you been thinking about giving up? Maybe you don’t actually want to give up, but you can’t help thinking about giving up: On a dream, a job, or a friendship. It gets so tiring, doesn’t it?...


Why is my rest not restful?

Ever asked someone how they’re doing – only to be given a well-rehearsed response? It might sound something like, “Oh, I’m good. Very busy these days!” and usually comes with a...


Drops of Life 2018: A week before Good Friday, another man gave his blood in my place

“You’ve never given blood before?” My editor looked at me incredulously. More specifically: “You’ve never given blood before and you want to encourage people to give...


"Take a real rest": Flowing with the unforced rhythms of grace

They say we’re made of stardust. Isn’t that an incredible thought? Just think for a second how stars are born: Gigantic clouds of dust and molecules are pulled together by gravity to form...


What you might not know about prayer

How do we trace progress in our prayer relationship with God? An author by the name of Mark Thibodeux wrote about The Four Stages of Prayer that may give us a helpful framework to reflect on our...


Why should I care about reading the Bible?

What do you think of when you open your Bible? Is it something like, “Let’s get over and done with?” I don’t know about you, but I’ve caught myself thinking that more times than I’m...


When God says no

I was waiting for an answer via an email and there had been a long silence. When at last a reply came, I was told to wait a little longer. It appeared to be a small breakthrough, and it raised my...


Why am I so easily affected by what others say about me?

One of the precious lessons from my devotional life has to do with my sense of rights. I recall a time when my emotional well-being was affected by unfair remarks made against me over certain...


‘I never knew you’

“I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:23) These must be some of the most severe words ever uttered by Jesus. How did Christians who addressed Jesus with...