
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


Has God blue-ticked you?

Ever heard of this extreme sport called Banzai Skydiving? It’s like skydiving, only without the parachute. Born and bred in the boundary-pushing capital of the world, Japan, Banzai Skydiving –...


A toast to Biblical literacy

That photo? That’s my happy place. My first teh of the morning. I never say no to kaya toast. I’m meh about the eggs, but they’re part of the package. But the real reason I’m...


He brews: Glimpses of God in a slow-drip coffee

Q: When was coffee first mentioned in the Bible? A: In He-brews! My guess is that most of us have heard this joke before (one too many times, probably); it is joke that attempts to make sense of two...

Finding Purpose

Stop comparing yourself to others – you’re better than that

HOW TO OVERCOME THE SPIRIT OF COMPARISON 1. Celebrate each other’s successes It’s generally easier for us to suffer with others easier than to rejoice with them. If someone is doing...


Riding the storms of life

What storms have you been in? What storm are you now in? An unwelcome circumstance that arises from the horizon. The sudden turbulence of unpleasant change. Your boat rocks. Gently at first, but...


Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say: It is well with my soul

Last Saturday, a lady from my church met with an accident. She took her last breath in her son’s arms, just as the paramedics arrived. Her family was devastated. Our church mourned with them....


The most unequal yoke of all

“Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14) A yoke is an contraption...


The secret to contentment

We know them all too well – the thoughts that run through our heads and never make it out of our mouths. She looks so attractive in that dress, I wish I looked like that. He doesn’t deserve...


Learning to love the God of Job

The book of Job is a perplexing one to many Christians. Apparently older than Genesis, this book appears out of nowhere, and is more or less self-contained in its own independent context. The Bible...