Much like the Marvel Cinematic Universe that we love, where 23 movies made over a span of 10 years tell a cumulative story quite unlike anything the world has ever seen, this year’s FOPx GO Conference had its very own Endgame announcement, rounding up four years of the youth movement with an epic climax.

Right at the end of the last night, Pastor Andrew Yeo and Isaac Ong, both part of the FOPx team, took to the stage to give the audience an unexpected post-credits scene – a sneak peek into the first-ever National Youth Rally in Singapore: IMPOSSIBLE 2020, which will take place December 10-12, 2020, and headlined by renowned evangelist and motivational speaker Nick Vujicic of Life Without Limbs.

More than just the usual two and a half days of gathering, IMPOSSIBLE 2020 is an entire movement throughout the year to flood the Internet with testimonies, meet for prayer regularly, get equipped for evangelism and even take to the streets to win souls for Jesus.

The challenges have been respectively termed “Impossible Minute”, “Impossible Hour”, “Impossible Day”, “Impossible Week” and “Impossible Month” – all culminating with the Impossible Rally in December. It will be, in their words, a year to rewrite some of the past, restore the present and redefine the future.

A year to see impossible things become possible.

It brought me back to the 2017 FOPx SURRENDER Conference, where a prophetic word was released that Singapore would turn from a destiny of decadence to one of being an island of revival. Three years from that moment with IMPOSSIBLE 2020, I believe this our Endgame.

But before we step up to the plate, there are 5 important steps we need to take before we can see breakthrough, found none other than in the themes of the FOPx conferences themselves.


1. BORN: We were born for such a time as this

Believing God for the impossible begins by declaring that you are made for the impossible – that the impossible is not just a possibility but your inheritance. That you were bought and set apart by Christ for His purpose, and born for such a time as this.

We need to acknowledge that God has put in us a unique calling: we are the Esther 4:14 generation, called for such a time as this. Just as Esther saved her people from certain doom, we must recognise that we have been placed in this nation to bring the Gospel to our generation.

“‘For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?'” (Esther 4:14)

It was at the inaugural FOPx Conference in 2016, themed “BORN”, that Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong of Cornerstone Community Church prophesied over the youth that this would be the generation that would spark off a great move of the Holy Spirit, one that would exceed the revivals seen during the time of John Sung and Billy Graham

2. SURRENDER: We are called to surrender our lives

Once we take hold of our God-given identity, we need to yield fully to His call and purpose. To surrender fully to God’s call is to withhold nothing and allow Him to take and use our lives in whatever way He sees fit. This requires us to acknowledge that our strength comes from God alone.

Ben Fitzgerald of Awakening Europe shared this message with us at 2017’s SURRENDER Conference, urging us to yield to the wisdom that comes from God alone. He told us, “The only resource that’s of use to us is being close to the Father, when we bend our knees and allow the Son of God to step into our destiny.”

Surrender brings us to a place of utter dependence on God, to see what is impossible to man become possible as we lean into God’s heavenly resources for us.

3. BURN: Will we be marked for Him?

Upon surrender, we come to a place where we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to be utterly consumed and marked for His purposes. Like the disciples at Pentecost, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit for a miraculous revival to spring forth.

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.” (Acts 2:1-3)

At the FOPx BURN Conference in 2018, Andy Byrd of YWAM’s Circuit Riders and Fire and Fragrance Ministries shared a profound truth from Psalms 27:4, the cry of King David’s heart. That as much as he could have desired power or possessions, he instead longed to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life, like a lamp burning day and night in the temple of God.

We cannot step into the impossible by our own efforts, we need the Holy Spirit to burn in us and manifest His greatness through us. As we step into our calling for the impossible, we need to continue to seek Him daily, keeping His fire burning within us as we go out into the world.

4. GO: Go and change the world

There is a commission on our lives to go and make disciples in the places where God has placed us, using the talents He has given us. Once the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, as Jesus had promised, they moved out of their city, into the rest of the world, and became vessels of radical transformation for the world.

One of this year’s headline speakers, Todd White of Lifestyle Christianity, called us to step out in a faith that’s spelt “r-i-s-k”. As people see the goodness of God manifested in the miraculous, their hearts will be led to the declaration that He is Lord. 

Seeing the manifestation of the impossible requires us to go – go step out in faith to pray for the sick, go preach the Gospel, even go create godly content to flood the digital space. As we step out and be God’s channel of power and love, the impossible mountains we have before us will be levelled to a plain (Zechariah 4:7).

5. IMPOSSIBLE: We must believe God for the impossible

I am so glad that even right after the GO Conference, the movement has already started. Hearing reports of how conference attendees have taken action, such as by praying for the sick at hawker centers or sharing their “Impossible Minute” testimonies on their social media accounts, has stirred up my faith that 2020 really could be our year for revival and transformation in Singapore.

Stepping into the impossible means we need to believe God for the impossible. Throughout the whole of 2020, I challenge you to start targeting, interceding, reaching, sharing and ultimately making disciples of your friends, classmates, teachers, colleagues, teammates, and just anyone who crosses your path.

The call has been given: this is our Endgame. It’s time to assemble for revival. Are you ready for the impossible?

To find out more about IMPOSSIBLE 2020, visit their official page, or follow them on Instagram and Telegram @impossible413.