

5 ways to make the most of your school holidays

It’s the holidays!  Can’t wait to sleep past noon and catch up on Netflix? Prefer to pack your calendar to the brim with internships, meeting people, working part-time and preparing for...


I’m a Malaysian and I was the sound guy at Asbury University’s chapel service

I’ve been asked to talk about what’s going on right now in my university, Asbury, to hopefully shed light on the revival that’s broken out here. If you don’t know me, then my...


A Millennial walks into a room full of praying Gen Zs … and leaves full of hope

I thought I was young until I talked to someone born in 2003 … and realised that I was 30 (but still 29) this year. I remember the days when I was 20 … and when I blinked, I was suddenly...


Meet the team behind Youth Nights

A place for youths, by youths, to be reignited for Christ. That was the vision that Pastor Amos Pang (Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church, BBTC) shared with eight youths from Poly Revival, Praying...

Studies & NS

What does doing my best in school look like?

Whenever exam season is around the corner, the air begins to be filled with constant declarations of “just do your best”. In these moments, I find myself stuck with a nagging thought: What...

Studies & NS

5 types of people you’ll meet in project work

From the commendable to the chao kuan (someone who doesn’t play fair), let’s take a look at the 5 common characters in any group project. From these folks, we can learn a little about what to...


Going on exchange? Plugging yourself into a local church makes all the difference

Hello, my name is Dave and I recently went to Los Angeles for my exchange in 2022. In fact, I only returned to Singapore in early June this year! Even before I went for my exchange, I knew the...


377A repeal: Let’s make our campuses a safe place to share our views, say students

The term “reverse discrimination” has been coming up in the news following the announcement that Section 377A would be repealed.  Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law, K...

Studies & NS

Blurred boundaries: How can we navigate grey areas while living on campus?

As a bright-eyed freshman, staying in hall seemed like the “must do” on everyone’s university bucket list. So you can imagine my joy when I got offered a spot. Entering university...