

Divine exchange: How my semester overseas became my mission field

I went to Madrid for my exchange from December 2019 to March 2020. Initially, I applied for exchange with three friends, but everyone ended up going to different parts of Europe. I was so scared to...


University: How this introvert learned to thrive on campus

I am an introvert. At parties, I can usually be found in the corner away from the crowd. In school, I keep to a close-knit group of friends that I can truly be myself around. If possible, I avoid...

Studies & NS

What’s it like staying in hall? 4 undergraduates share insights from their dorm days

Staying on campus can be fun, but it doesn’t come without its fair share of difficulties.ย  For undergraduates looking to glorify God and represent Christ in dorm life, unique challenges abound...

Studies & NS

Back to school? 5 ways to make the most of a fresh start

From a young age, I’ve always loved the start of a new school year for a few… frivolous reasons. It meant that I had an excuse to change my school bag or shoes, if I persuaded my parents...

Real Life, Real People

Once ostracised and feeling like a failure, one defining moment changed my life

TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains material about suicidal thoughts and a suicide attempt that some may find distressing. Growing up, I helped my mother collect cardboard boxes to sell after school...


Winding pathways: 3 unconventional journeys to university

“Uncle” Bryan: Entering university at 28 Hello, my name is Bryan. I am a Year 2 Business student in the National University of Singapore. You must be wondering why I ended up in...


Trainees who cheated in Bar exam: Reflections from a Christian lawyer

Following the news that six trainee lawyers (which later grew to 11) were found to have cheated in their qualifying Bar examination in 2020, the outrage was palpable. A brief scroll on my LinkedIn...

Finding Purpose

“God hears the struggles of my heart”: A journey of figuring out my full-time calling

Growing up, I always had a desire to serve God in full-time ministry. But I never entertained it much because of all the negative things I heard, which affected my view. โ€œWhat about your family and...


Campus evangelism: Lose the fear of man and seize every opportunity

Please come to the front and introduce yourself to the class in one minute with: Your name, your superpower and a tagline for the class to remember you. These were the instructions given during my...