Although people are increasingly getting married later in Singapore, I’ve always wanted to get hitched before I hit 30. I’m turning 29 in a few months … But he’s still nowhere...
My GrabShare pulled up in front of an old terrace house in the same neighbourhood. There was a girl waiting outside the gate in a black razor-back dress, hair barely dried off and stringy. It was...
Does being single bother you? Well, it bothers me. Sometimes. I still feel slightly embarrassed when asked if I am single. It’s even worse when everyone else in the room is attached. What if...
Single. Though there are plenty of us out there, the word itself conveys – inaccurately, I might add – the inevitable notion that we are alone in our singleness. It doesn’t help that every...
Dear Me, So you are 22 this year, and you’re still single. Yes, it probably does not bother you much on the inside anymore, but there have still been times: moments when your eyes were locked...
K-drama fan or not, who could forget 2016 – the year of Korean blockbuster series Descendants of the Sun? I’ll be able to look back fondly and tell my grandchildren one day that I was right there...
“Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” (Song of Songs 3:5) I’ve fallen in love with a...
One of my friends came out to me. He said he was in a same-sex relationship. I found it a highly uncomfortable experience; it shocked me because this friend was a friend in Christ. What was worse...
“Oh, we’re just talking.” We’ve heard it many times – maybe even said it ourselves. But here’s a question: Are we scared of commitment? Because “we’re just...