

IG Live with Cliff Tam and Tam Wai Jia: Dealing with hurt and heartbreak

In Part 1 of our notes from our Instagram Live with Cliff and Wai Jia, we covered questions such as should girls make the first move, how do know when you’ve met “the one” and what...


“Why still single?” 5 statements on singlehood that can sting

At 19, it was “too early” for me to begin dating. But at 21, I began receiving comments like: “Why you still single?” In a short span of two years, the rules of the game seem...


Does being a strong, bold woman mean I’ll chase away potential suitors?

The air froze. Besides the clink of forks, there was nothing but an awkward silence.  I remember the look on the young man’s face as we had dinner in a beautiful restaurant he had carefully...


Social egg freezing for women in Singapore: Here are 7 questions for Christians to consider

In a landmark decision that will impact women in Singapore aged 21 to 35 years old, the Government has put forward a recommendation to give them the choice to freeze their eggs for non-medical...


Coffee Meets Bagel: Is it your cup of tea?

My husband and I met online. By accident. Yes, we were two strangers 10,000 miles apart connected by a comment on an accidental blog visit. Not only did that happen, but it also happened at an age...

Movies & TV

The Tinder Swindler, and our longing to be loved

I suck at relationships. My last experience in a serious relationship left me fearful of commitment and wary of the opposite gender. I spent my years in text-everyday non-relationships… until I...


Single at 35: A letter to myself as I turn another year older on Valentine’s Day

Dear Connie, Happy birthday! And yes – you’ve reached your 35th birthday! Happy Valentine’s Day to you too! I know, I know… not again. You’ve often heard people from all walks of...


3 lies I believed about love

As a teenager, I was obsessed with entertainment media. Television series, movies, songs – I would consume them all endlessly.  And as love is one of the most common and popular themes in these...


5 clever comebacks to the most popular questions you’ll get at CNY

For some 29 years now – of which I was responsive for about 20 (there are gaps) – I have been going to Chinese New Year gatherings. That alone makes me highly qualified to write an article on how...