Life & Death

What really matters when you’re gone?

I was 27 when my life changed forever. I lost one of my best friends. He was the most generous person I knew and a real source of strength and support to many of us. He was a Christian ā€“ “one...

Real Life, Real People

See you soon, Dad

I remember climbing the Great Wall of China with my father in 2009. My sisters and mother were predictably not game enough to ascend the cobbled steps, but we men were always so brave. I led the way...


When will my Song Joong Ki come?

K-drama fan or not, who could forget 2016 ā€“ the year of Korean blockbuster series Descendants of the Sun? Iā€™ll be able to look back fondly and tell my grandchildren one day that I was right there...


Be still my single heart

“Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” (Song of Songs 3:5) I’ve fallen in love with a...


My “holiness” turned everyone off

I have been a ā€œChristianā€ since my water baptism in 2009Ā ā€“ quotation marks intended. The early years of my faith revolved around being holy, such as by not staying out late, not drinking, not...


Compassion without compromise

One of my friends came out to me. He said he was inĀ a same-sex relationship. I found it a highly uncomfortable experience;Ā it shocked me because this friend was a friend in Christ. What was worse...


A letter to my gay best friend

Dear You, Iā€™m writing this with trepidation and excitement at the same time. I donā€™t know how youā€™ll feel upon reading it, and some of this has been brimming over for a while. I just didnā€™t...


Where are our manners?

The other day in the church lobby I sawĀ someone I knew in conversation with the parents of our mutual friend. IĀ was out of earshot, but the body language was plain to see: TheĀ young man’s...


When my mentee came out to me

ā€œI have something to tell you. I’mĀ attracted to the same gender.ā€ Someone I was mentoringĀ in church had suddenly asked to meet me. She lookedĀ extremely jittery and it was clear something...