How-tos & Handles

Struggling to get to grips with a particular issue in life? Peep the tips within — these practical guides are meant to help you to make sense and make moves.


4 tips to carry you through the healing process

It’s been four months since the miscarriage. Some days grief shows up, more intensely for me and more subtly for Aaron, and we continue to practise what we’ve learnt on how to love and help each...

Mental Health

How to beat that languishing feeling

When 2020 ticked over into 2021, we were hopeful that the new year would be a better one. And for awhile, it did look promising – we were back to dining in, we could physically attend church again...

Church Life

Creatives in ministry: 5 tips to prevent burnout

With the new restrictions on churches really upping the ante on pre-recorded services, our pastors aren’t the only ones in the hot seat. Another often overlooked group is the creatives behind...

How-tos & Handles

5 survival tips to endure to the end (or just one more day)

Into the first week of working from home full-time and nurturing my body back to better health before I go back to the doctor for my recently diagnosed condition in two months’ time, I found myself...

How-tos & Handles

Help, I’m a blur sotong: How to ace a job interview

Whether you’re a student looking for an internship or a soon-to-be graduate searching for a full-time job, interviews can be nerve-racking. Unlike exams which are usually more predictable,...


Grad trip in Singapore? Here’s how you can travel without leaving the country

If not for COVID-19, this would be the season when many head overseas for graduation trips, summer programmes or family vacations. Bummed that it still doesn’t look like you’re going to...

How-tos & Handles

4 questions to ask yourself before embarking on a relationship

Marriage is something that I’ve wanted from a very young age, ever since I saw from my parents and grandparents what it’s like to be married. Their lifelong love and commitment, as well as the...

How-tos & Handles

Help, I’m a blur sotong: 4 ways to choose your next place of education

Whether you’re receiving your A-Level results or your polytechnic diploma, it’s a nerve-wracking time. After all, you’re going to be starting a new chapter in your life. But the...


How not to fall: In the fight against sexual temptation, defence is not enough

The news of Christian leaders’ moral failures, particularly in the area of sexual misconduct, is always a wake-up call for me. As a pastor, it’s a sober reminder to pursue purity and holiness...