Life & Death


Ownself plan own funeral – can or not?

Reading the news, I discovered that it’s an up-and-coming trend for people toĀ plan their funeral. As one person interviewed for the article said: “I am the best person to know what I...


Home with her greatest love

Ms Loh was my music teacher when I was thirteen. I was thrilled when she became my literature teacher two years later, because she had beenĀ abroad for further studies the year before, and I was...


Reflections on sudden deaths and unexpected tragedy: Our time will come

I knew Steven Lim, but I hadn’t heard ofĀ Pradip Subramanian. Not until the news startedĀ to pour in. Subramanian, the president of the World Bodybuilding & Physique Sports Federation...


Out of the depths of despair, a song of hope

InĀ 2015, I heardĀ the amazing testimony of Ivan and RachelĀ Tan. TheirĀ baby, Johanna, had beenĀ diagnosed with a series of congenital heart defects that were diagnosed asĀ life-threatening if left...


Numb ā€“ the cry of a generation

I’m tired of being what you want me to be Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface Don’t know what you’re expecting of me Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes Every...

Life & Death

In the end: Reflections on death and the lives of Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell

An unashamed confession: About two weeks ago, the entire team wasĀ huddled in a karaoke room celebrating our In-Dependence Day, throats going hoarse as we screamed into the mics: I tried so...

Life & Death

What really matters when you’re gone?

I was 27 when my life changed forever. I lost one of my best friends. He was the most generous person I knew and a real source of strength and support to many of us. He was a Christian ā€“ “one...

Real Life, Real People

See you soon, Dad

I remember climbing the Great Wall of China with my father in 2009. My sisters and mother were predictably not game enough to ascend the cobbled steps, but we men were always so brave. I led the way...

Life & Death

The kind of life I want

I was recently at a funeral wake of someone I’m not related to. My wife’s friend’s father. Let’s call himĀ Uncle P. It was obvious that Uncle P was loved by his family,...