Life & Death

Life & Death

My child, a gift from God, stillborn without a skull

My husband, Bryan, and I had been waiting for God to bless us with a second child. When we finally tested positive on a pregnancy kit, we were ecstatic. Through the first 12 weeks, everything...

Life & Death

I came close to death when I was a kid

I have had 2 near-death experiences in my life so far. In my first one, I was just 8 years old. A few of us were playing a game of catching in the car park after school (not a wise move with...

Life & Death

I started 2019 with a funeral

On the list of ways I thought I would be starting 2019, attending my friend’s funeral was not one of them. I expected New Year parties, barbecues, even clearing assignments for school – yet...

Life & Death

Six hours with my warrior baby: The miracle of life beyond this one

This was written by Benecia in response to her own piece, “They said my unborn baby is incompatible with life“, following the delivery of her son Elkan, who was diagnosed with acrania in...

Mental Health

Stricken with PTSD and depression after my mum suddenly passed away, I thought my life was over

Jesus, don’t you care? Where are you? Please take the pain away.  It was Mark 4:35-41 all over again, where Jesus was asleep in a boat with his disciples when a storm hit and threatened to engulf...


What my dad’s death taught me about life

When our loved ones fall terminally ill, it’s as though the rug has been pulled out underneath you. You know the world as you know it is about to change. And seeing them struggle, slowly...


The night my mother was murdered

When I first found the knife, I thought nothing of it. But I did wonder why it wasn’t in its usual place. It had been wiped clean and was lying beside a bottle of vodka and some lighter fluid...


How do you live with eternity in mind?

What is your perception of eternity? The other day, I mused to a friend, “I took an eternity to do this, but I’m finally done!” I’m sure most of us have said something...


A time such as this

Before him stood two paths: One that stretched into the far distance, while the other seemed a lot more manageable. Yet due to the fog that was all around, he couldn’t make out where each of them...