Mental Health

The privilege of the bleeding heart

I write this to every bleeding heart called to the tall order of redemption. Blessed are the poor in spirit … To live in spiritual poverty. To live on scraps. To continually hunger and thirst....


If you can’t defend your faith, who will?

Why do you believe? Maybe itā€™s all you know. From a tender age you found yourself in an environment of Sunday school, action songs, and beautiful friendships. Somewhere along the way, you invited...


Chinese New Year – time for the harvest!

Upbeat ę­å–œę­å–œę­å–œä½  Chinese New Year songs quickly displaced Christmas jingles. The crowd moved from Orchard Road to Chinatown, from the neon signs along our famed shopping stretch to red...

Do Good

This Chinese New Year, make time to visit one more home

When the cycle of Chinese New Year spins to a start, most of us donā€™t think twice about what weā€™ll be doing over the long weekend. There will be the expected reunion dinner, the visits to...


This Chinese New Year, you are what you eat

“As you crunch on the delicate sweetness of kueh belanda ā€“ thatā€™s the traditional name of love lettersĀ ā€“Ā rememberĀ that love is more than a feeling. Rather, it is patient and kind,Ā and...


You have an audience with your relatives once a year. Don’t waste it

Chinese New Year, in the recent few years, has become a season of poignant reflection for me. It was during Chinese New Year that I saw my grandmother and grandfather for the last time, in 2011 and...


The (Middle) Kingdom of God is near

China. A country which three-quarters of SingaporeansĀ have blood links to. Iā€™m a third-generation Chinese immigrant. My grandfather on my mother’s side was the first to make the long trip...

Money Matters

Ushering in the God of wealth

The day after Christmas, the strainsĀ of Joy to the World were immediately replaced with qi ge long tong qiang tong qiang in the shopping malls. And if like me, you went to the mall today, you...


Reaching for those love letters? Stop in the name of LOVE

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: CHINESE NEW YEAR EDITION As any Singaporean would say, Chinese New Year isn’t Chinese New Year without the delectable delights we’ve grown to love ā€“ easy on the...