
Hope for the suffering Christian

Recently, I learnt from a cell group member that someone in our young adults ministry requires a serious operationĀ due to the presence of a benign tumour. She’d sent a message to several chat...


The Modern Sabbath: Separating fact from fiction

One of today’s marks of a good Christian is one’sĀ attendance of Church on Sunday morning. Stay with me on that one. Why is attendance on Sunday even a benchmark of faith? Well, because...


A tender but strong heart

ā€œBe tender-hearted, and be strong-hearted..ā€ Those were about the last words my mentor gave me before our season ended, and one of the deepest lessons I am still learning in life. I find that the...


Do you live by a Christian GPA?

Anyone whoā€™sĀ ever gone to aĀ polytechnic or university would be familiar withĀ some tricks to get better grades: ChoosingĀ a pass/fail module Currying favour with tutors to get hints ahead of time...


Orphaned at 28, I wanted to commit suicide

I experienced my first anxiety attack right after my mum passed away in front of me ā€” from a brain haemorrhage in aĀ Hong Kong hospital. For once in my life, things had actually been going along...


In my struggles with my faith, this is what I hold on to

Ever faced a timeĀ when Christianity suddenly stopped making sense to you? When the doctrines donā€™t work out in your head. When you can’t relate to the preaching. When the community in church...


My friend left Church because of me

All names have been changed for confidentiality. “I need a break from church and from yā€™all to think about what happened,ā€ a good friend wrote in a text message to me one day. And with that...


How to cling to love in a world of hate

In this world, evil seems to be gaining ground, but something greater is also awakening in the collective human conscience. We read about terror, but we also read about kindness. There are those...


Awaken your heart to the sound of the generation

Something I oftenĀ hear Alarice say when she shares her story, is that she never knew she could sing. She never thought she could leadĀ the people of God into worship. Well, let me tell you: This...