
I tried to be an extrovert for years

I’ve only recently accepted that I’m introverted. Growing up, I wasnā€™t entirely in the dark about my personality.Ā I rememberĀ recognising early on that I was a little bit different...


"Ask largely of God": Lou Engle rallies the youth of Singapore to pray

ā€œGod had a dream for your life before you were even born, and then He wrapped a body around that dream to fulfil that dream.ā€ Barely a few hours after he touched down in Singapore, Lou Engle,...


ā€œIf you keep the fire burning, the fire will keep you burningā€

Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong of Cornerstone Community Church had one message only for the 800 over youths gathered at the FOPx Conference taking place from November 23-25, 2017: Let the fire of God burn in...


“Stop window-shopping, it’s time to pay the price”: Will you be the one?

He was speakingĀ to a crowd of overĀ 800 young people from more than 80 churches ā€“ gathered in an auditorium on a Thursday afternoon at the FOPx conference for youths ā€“ butĀ there was someone...


FOPx: Surrender ushers in the supernatural, Ben Fitzgerald urges youth

ā€œWhen God tells you to do something, Heā€™s not asking you to figure out how to do it. Itā€™s up to you to obey. Itā€™s up to God to do it.ā€ Ben Fitzgerald, leader of Awakening Europe and GODfest...


The real island life: A peek into the people and past-times of Pulau Fordata, Indonesia

In July this year, I travelled to Pulau Fordata, located in Tanimbar Islands of Maluku province, Indonesia. A Bible Dedication Ceremony took place in one of its villages, Romean, to celebrate the...


White shoes dirty souls

My brand-new white shoes got dirtied within the span of just a few days. But of course, right? IĀ know it sounds trivial ā€“ and I should have seen this coming when I bought them ā€“ but I was still...


Hope for the suffering Christian

Recently, I learnt from a cell group member that someone in our young adults ministry requires a serious operationĀ due to the presence of a benign tumour. She’d sent a message to several chat...


The Modern Sabbath: Separating fact from fiction

One of today’s marks of a good Christian is one’sĀ attendance of Church on Sunday morning. Stay with me on that one. Why is attendance on Sunday even a benchmark of faith? Well, because...