
Real Life, Real People

“I will take this secret to my grave”

Are you hoping you can take some of your secrets to the grave with you? I have stuff from my childhood that I wanted to carry to my grave. I wonder how many other weary souls are now going through...


What I learnt from my first mission trip

I recall having “Missions Month” in Sunday School as a child. Each week’s Sunday School lesson included a brief exposure to a different culture, followed by the constraints the people...


A new hope

Hope. It’s a loaded word. What exactly is hope? What is the basis for it? How do we learn to hope? And how does it look to you? We hope for many things, and in many people. We hold onto hope amid...


Am I worthy of love?

“Some things are loved because they are worthy; some things are worthy because they are loved.” For quite a while now, I have been struggling with self-worth. It has been quite the sneaky little...


Here I am, send … him

 “But Moses said, ‘Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send somebody else’.” (Exodus 4:13) Early last year I was jogging along my usual route, to the bridge by the river....


What’s killing your kindness?

Ever wondered what motivates you to do good? The key word here is “motivate”. The motivation, the impetus, that adrenaline that keeps you going. The motivation behind human behaviour has...


Every word has come at a cost

I’ve always been a private person. Even in my pursuit of meaningful conversations, I avoid volunteering personal details about my life by being the one asking the questions. The prospect of...


How to grow the church – in your office

After spending my early 20s helping to rebuild my church’s youth ministry from a dwindling group of 15 jaded young people to a healthy, growing community of more than 80 believers, I was certain...


Sharing the Gospel in a multi-religious society

The recent incident involving the imam who was fined $4,000 for making a supplication during a Friday prayer, “Grant us help against the Jews and the Christians”, is a reminder of the strict...