“Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place.” (Acts 8:26) What if one day, you...
I clearly remember the day I accepted the position to chair REVIVE 2018. I was at church camp when I received a message from the previous chairperson, asking if I’d take over the position to...
One thing about missions trips that I find beautiful is the simplicity of being. What I mean is, life becomes simple in a holy way: All that matters each day is that we accomplish a work for God —...
Though Annie and I had only met a year ago, we became best friends in no time. Not only were we in the same group of friends in the same CCA – we also attended the same church and cell. We...
Six years ago, I watched a video which changed my life. Attending the 2012 Kingdom Invasion Conference, the video I watched was about Heidi Baker’s IRIS ministry in Pemba, Mozambique. It...
I had lunch awhile ago with a close friend who recently became a Christian. We were talking about faith when she shared her discomfort with evangelism — specifically street evangelism. “To...
Bright lights, red lanterns and overplayed Chinese festive songs — Chinese New Year is back! But have you ever considered this: Not everyone can return home to be with their families this festive...
“If you died today, where would you go?” I was at a loss for words when first confronted with this question. I remember hurrying away in embarrassment – not because I didn’t know the answer...
WHY WE NEED JESUS We have a high view of the Most High God. We believe He is absolutely pure and perfect – holy. But we learn in the Bible that from the time of Adam and Eve’s original sin,...