How can technology be employed to address the increase in suicides among the young? What could be some creative digital pathways and opportunities that might help stop people from taking their lives?...
I worked in the TODAY newsroom for almost a decade. It’s where I learnt about life and love, and along the way, about journalism too. The past week, my newsfeed has been filled with people...
Whenever I think about the Great Commission, the first thoughts that come to mind are missionary journeys to the ends of the earth – preaching the gospel to the unreached, encouraging foreign...
The topic of missions is not a comfortable one to talk about – sometimes not even in our cell groups. It questions our willingness to do the unnatural and the uncomfortable. But we have...
The biggest issue faced by young working adults today is the absence of spiritual ambition. While there is much striving towards worldly measures of success, a void of spiritual vision exists in how...
But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but...
Are you hoping you can take some of your secrets to the grave with you? I have stuff from my childhood that I wanted to carry to my grave. I wonder how many other weary souls are now going through...
I recall having “Missions Month” in Sunday School as a child. Each week’s Sunday School lesson included a brief exposure to a different culture, followed by the constraints the people...
Hope. It’s a loaded word. What exactly is hope? What is the basis for it? How do we learn to hope? And how does it look to you? We hope for many things, and in many people. We hold onto hope amid...