

When did worship become all about us?

Even while Moses was speaking to God atop Mount Sinai, the children of Israel were crafting for themselves a golden calf to call their god. The idea seems preposterous, as it flies against...


True love sets you free

Love [noun]: Strong feeling of affection Love. A word indescribable and uncontainable. A mere four letters, but four that can make a heart, or tragically break one. A tangible word, with an...


Why can’t Christians date non-Christians?

It’s a question that is regularly asked, but not always accurately answered. It confuses, perplexes, and even angers both Christians and non-Christians alike. It sounds elitist,...


Try a Sabbath from your smartphone

We’re beholden to our smartphones. Take a quick look around in the bus or train and you’ll notice that the majority of commuters are glued or plugged in to their smartphones in one way...


My kopitiam takeaway: How to love the unlovable

Every time I hear a Mainland Chinese person manning the economical rice store, my heart sinks. What is supposed to be an efficient speak, point-and-go interaction tends to break down. Once, an order...


Riding the storms of life

What storms have you been in? What storm are you now in? An unwelcome circumstance that arises from the horizon. The sudden turbulence of unpleasant change. Your boat rocks. Gently at first, but...


Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say: It is well with my soul

Last Saturday, a lady from my church met with an accident. She took her last breath in her son’s arms, just as the paramedics arrived. Her family was devastated. Our church mourned with them....


On the Sabbath, God rested, and so should you

Dear Leader, you are probably among the most active people in church. Especially if you’re a leader in the youth or young adult’s ministry. But do you love God and His people enough to...


Loving our neighbour means caring for the environment

Without truth, our love is superficial and unintentionally destructive. Same applies in love of the environment. Here’s the truth: Every week, multitudes of churchgoers step out of...