Church Life


What went down at our first event of the year for Gen Zs

The excitement in the chapel of Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church (BBTC) was palpable. With students bustling in the room in a flurry of different uniforms and school shirts, it was plain to see that...

Surveys & Reports

A few hundred pastors were surveyed about youth ministry, this is what we learnt

On Day 3 of the LoveSingapore Pastors Summit, Senior Pastor Daniel Khong (FCBC) led a panel discussion titled “The Church Younger & Stronger” which sought to provide an overview of...

Church Life

Make us one: Will you join the cry of the next generation?

This is the story of how a time of spontaneous worship turned into the cry of a rising generation. Music was always a passion of mine and I found myself leading worship in many of the circles that I...


Personal revival: How the Holy Spirit transformed my faith

Even as we’re taking our first steps in 2023, I’ve been reflecting on what the past year has brought. It has personally been a whirlwind year of new experiences and spiritual growth, and if I...

Church Life

3 ways to prepare your heart for youth camp

For many churches, this will be their first time having a full-scale youth ministry camp after a long hiatus.   As a youth and a youth leader, I’ve been reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts...

Church Life

What would it take for our churches to be more welcoming?

In the racial group I was born into, there are very few Christians, whether in Singapore or beyond. As a result, most Christians in Singapore still do not know how to properly respond when they...

Surveys & Reports

Many who have changed church during the pandemic are young adults: State of the Church in Singapore 2022

As churches emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, a higher number have experienced “more outflow” of attendees compared to “more inflow” or “no change”, according to...

Church Life

Serving in church: What are some pitfalls to avoid?

When I was 16, I joined a youth committee because I believed I had the skills for it. I didn’t. I was immature and knew nothing about service. I also joined other committees just because I...

Church Life

How can we serve well in church?

I’m not gonna lie – serving in church can be a little difficult at times. But what I’ve learnt in my time serving is that while the forms and responsibilities of our service may change,...