Church Life


Where are our manners?

The other day in the church lobby I saw someone I knew in conversation with the parents of our mutual friend. I was out of earshot, but the body language was plain to see: The young man’s...

Church Life

Church camp is over. Now what?

A church camp is always amazing. It’s a time of refreshing, recharging and refocusing. It’s where you get to bask in the warm glow of our mountaintop moments. You look forward to it...


Are we building the kingdom we were meant to?

This is a tale of two kingdoms. But they don’t occupy different territories, nor do patrolled borders lay between them. They are infused but in theory they’re immiscible, incapable of...

Mental Health

Hope does not put us to shame

I have depression and no one in church knows. Some of the adults have asked about my health, noting that I look tired, grey and wane. But how do I come clean about my condition when anxiety is...


One girl’s guide to dating well in church

“Oh, we’re just talking.” We’ve heard it many times – maybe even said it ourselves. But here’s a question: Are we scared of commitment? Because “we’re just...

Mental Health

If I don’t show up

Some nights, before I sleep, I browse through my phone calendar. (Not the best way to deal with insomnia, I’ll admit.) I have little reminders set up for almost every day of the month. They...

Real Life, Real People

I thought I knew love, until it almost destroyed me

I love people. From a young age, I poured my life and heart onto others, especially the boys I was leading in church. As their mentor and older brother, I tutored them, played sports and music with...


Don’t depend on the church to give you all the answers

Christianity is sometimes described as a metaphorical lens. C S Lewis wrote: “I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it, I see...


Redeeming broken dreams: A journey of spiritual motherhood

“Sometimes when I see kids running around, I imagine them as my own,” Deb remarks. She gazes into the distance through moist, red eyes. Coughing out a few girlish giggles, she quickly...