Church Life


The uncommon mission field: Reaching those with special needs

Whenever I think about the Great Commission, the first thoughts that come to mind are missionary journeys to the ends of the earth – preaching the gospel to the unreached, encouraging foreign...


Here for such a time as this

A few weeks ago, I had my first campus discipleship group (DG) session. I walked from the bus stop to the benches outside the lecture theatre. I was familiar with the place, having been there three...

How-tos & Handles

I don’t like somebody in church, what now?

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave...


Why I teach children with special needs

“One man built his house on the sand … It crashed! It crashed!” What followed this bizarre outcry were more words I could not understand, not even as a special needs teacher. My student drew...


The gift that keeps giving: Appreciating our mentors

Have you ever felt like you’ve plateaued when it comes to your character? Self-help books have made millions since they first appeared on the shelves of bookstores, and motivational speakers...


The fall from grace, and the long road home

There was a time in my faith where I became disillusioned and disappointed with the culture of my church. Going to service, I would wonder: “Why are they spending so much money on revamping the...


When it’s okay to say "No"

Earlier this year, my schedule looked like this: Work, weekly curriculum planning for English enrichment, monthly volunteer reading to two pre-schoolers. In church, I have served as an usher for the...


What’s the point of church if we can worship God anywhere?

I spent all my free time finishing work for a church missions project. I was exhausted, irritable, and just wanted to hide from the world. I text Sarah*, a close friend from church, informing her...


How to create a safer church community for people with same-sex attraction

I’ve been a Christian for 24 years – and lived with same-sex desires for nearly 20 of them. A few years ago, the Lord convicted my heart that it was not part of His will for me to act on...