
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


The Thirst Collective reads… Exodus

Through 2024, every member of the Thirst Collective –, Salt&Light, Stories of Hope, 还好吗, Living Room, Collective Studio – has committed to reading the Bible from cover to...


Lent Devotional Day 40: He Has Risen

These words of the angel of the Lord form the greatest news in the history of all creation, in which we also find four remarkable statements for reflection. He is not here. Jesus was not in the tomb....


Lent Devotional Day 39: By His Wounds

Pierced. Crushed. Chastised. This is violence of the highest level, but Jesus endured it on the cross so that we could be reconciled to God. Our sins have a price, and Jesus paid it in full. Jesus...


Lent Devotional Day 38: Walking On Water

Here, Peter is being Peter again — but we’re so here for this most of extra of apostles.  Exhausted, afraid and adrift upon a turbulent sea, the most challenging words somehow fall out of...


Lent Devotional Day 37: You Give Them Something To Eat

Have you ever felt limited when you want to help someone, whether by time, energy or resources? Often, we too easily and quickly say “no” because our lack discourages us from doing what...


Lent Devotional Day 36: Jesus Calms The Storm

With Christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm. This was likely the last thing on the disciples’ minds, with their boat being violently tossed about on the Sea of Galilee and taking on...


Lent Devotional Day 35: Doing Good On The Sabbath

Is it wrong to do good on the Sabbath? What Jesus is questioning here isn’t the priority of Sabbath or doing good, but the legalistic mindset of the Pharisees.  Here, Jesus is showing us that...


Lent Devotional Day 34: Whatever It Takes

It’s worth noting that Jesus first responded to the faith not of the paralysed man, but his friends. There is much to learn from their remarkable display of friendship and faith. For starters,...


Lent Devotional Day 33: Fishers of Men

Simon Peter had fished all night with nothing to show for it, but when Jesus told him to do it all over again, he obeyed — and so much fish was caught that their nets began to break. Simon...