
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


Lent Devotional Day 32: At His Word

The royal official’s son was dying. Though he could have sent someone else, this nobleman humbled himself and personally travelled to beg Jesus to come and heal his son. But, having finally...


Lent Devotional Day 31: My Hour Has Not Yet Come

Jesus was not unwilling to provide miraculously for the bride and bridegroom. After all, despite having just entered into public ministry, He made time for their wedding in the countryside.  Rather,...


Lent Devotional Day 30: Eagerly Waiting

Christ dealt with sin the first time He came, and will deliver the saved from the distress of those days when He returns.  But Jesus will not be saving everyone — only those who are eagerly...


Lent Devotional Day 29: The Bread of Life

We consume all kinds of things in this world, thinking that will satisfy us. But we’re never quite satisfied, and sometimes we leave feeling even more empty.  If that’s been your...


Lent Devotional Day 28: Peace In One Body

In a world filled with division and conflict, we look to Christ’s promise of a “new humanity” where there will be unity and lasting peace. Through the redemptive work of Christ on...


Lent Devotional Day 27: Everything We Need

The phrase “godly life” in today’s passage is translated from the Greek word eusebeia which means “good worship”. Here, we are told that God has given us everything we...


Lent Devotional Day 26: His Grace Is Sufficient

Boasting about weaknesses. Does that sound strange to you? Most people only boast about their achievements, possessions or personal qualities. Who boasts about the things that they’re not proud...


Lent Devotional Day 25: No Longer Slaves

I know what’s the right thing to do, but I can’t. I just can’t. Have you ever felt powerless to change something in your life? Paul describes such helplessness in Romans 7:18 where...


Lent Devotional Day 24: Remain In Me

Jesus likens His relationship with us to a vine and a branch. Just like how a branch cannot bear fruit if it isn’t connected to a vine, we are spiritually dead when we do not abide in God. But we...