Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.
The God of all creation made Himself nothing. Born in the likeness of men and taking the form of a servant, He came to give His life as a ransom for many. Today, thank Jesus that He came to seek,...
A cornerstone is the most foundational part of a building. If Jesus is not the foundation for your life, something else tries to be — and fails. Panic and shame occur in moments whenever our...
Ever heard it said that peace is a Person? If we relied on our circumstances to give us peace, it’s likely our inner world would often be in chaos. The truth is that our hearts don’t have to...
It was a miracle indeed! Some 700 years later, Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled through the supernatural conception and birth of Jesus. But that’s not all. Matthew 1:23 also points out that...
For many years, I knew that God was calling me to serve Him in youth leadership. Unfortunately, I was the very embodiment of a modern-day Moses. I felt vastly under-qualified, and that I wasn’t...
With July just around the corner, some of us might already know what’s coming. I am no exception, as my church actively encourages us to participate in this period of prayer and intercession. ...
Arguably one of the most notorious characters in the Bible, Judas Iscariot is often seen as the main antagonist in the story of Good Friday and the villain of Easter. Judas was, after all, the one...
In my last post, I reflected on our new status as refugees from Ukraine. I talked about some of the ways that God had prepared me for this crisis and was helping me process this new reality. The...
Here’s an Easter thought to ponder: Ever imagined how the disciples must have felt right after Jesus was crucified? You know, that period before the resurrection where… nothing seemed to...