
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


6 takeaways from the book of Job

“These are dark and terrible times for me (and the family). Asking for prayers…” I saw the above posted on a friend’s Facebook page. I private messaged him and found out that his...


Surrounded by worry? These 3 steps will shift your focus

Different challenges surround us daily, and handling them alone can easily overwhelm and drag us down. But regularly coming to God for help is our best strategy. Here are some godly principles behind...


5 people in the Bible who got through tough times (and how!)

Everyone goes through difficult times. Some may be struggling with an exam season, others may be going through a painful breakup. Certainly, all of us are going through the current COVID-19 pandemic....


The Baker who makes all things beautiful

One of the most popular verses in Ecclesiastes is in chapter 3, where it talks about the different seasons in life and a time for every matter under heaven. The first thing that caught my attention...


Half a year in, how’s your devotional life?

It’s July, which means we’ve just crossed over into the second half of the year. I’ll tell you what I’m used to seeing by this point: my resolutions would have all but died in the first...


The 40 days of prayer season is back. Are you ready?

It’s that time of the year again! Today marks the start of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day prayer series.  The annual season of prayer and fasting, now in its 25th run, takes place from July 1 to August...


What can we learn from the Bible’s imperfect fathers?

What’s your relationship with your father like? Do you have an “Asian Dad” who doesn’t say much, but shows his love in other – often more awkward – ways? Or do you have a...


What’s so special about Advent?

December’s here, and that means the season of Advent is upon us.  Now, if you’re anything like me, then this announcement might bring on two thoughts. The year has flown by too quickly...


Use what you’ve got

Moses’ staff was among the few possessions he had. It was probably his shepherd’s staff and represents what he knew and what he already had. God took that and made it a tool Moses would use many...