How-tos & Handles

When your hero of faith lets you down

Bill Hybels. Carl Lentz. Jerry Falwell Jr. Now, sadly, we add the late Ravi Zacharias to the list of global Christian leaders whose sexual indiscretions have left their reputations in tatters....


“God, have mercy on us all”: Lessons from Ravi Zacharias’ fall

I was never a big Ravi Zacharias fan, not because I didn’t like the guy, but simply because I never really got to know his work. I just understood him as the brilliant Indian apologist on YouTube...


10 CNY videos we’ve loved over the years

Sadly, with the pandemic still ongoing, we can’t gather in large groups to celebrate. But that doesn’t mean Chinese New Year (CNY) has to be boring! To those of you who are spending most of...


Happy Valentine’s Day: A letter from a dad to a son

Dear son, February 14’s here again. Since you’re now of age to date, I thought it’s high time I shared my Valentine experiences with you in the hope it’ll help you navigate...


What a celebrity chef taught me about success

“A victim of success and a product of failure.” That was how local director Josiah Ng – who has won multiple film awards like the Ngee Ann Kongsi Gold Medal, Shaw Foundation Gold Medal,...


A letter to the self-radicalised youth

To the young man who has fallen into extremism, Perhaps you had long grieved over the sufferings of those affected by terrorism worldwide. “Why did innocent people have to die at the hands of these...


This is not my Christianity

Can’t believe what you just read in our local news? Neither can we.  This evening, it was reported that a 16-year-old Singaporean was detained in December 2020 under the Internal Security Act...


Obsessed with beauty from childhood, I finally found my identity in something better

Last year in September, fashion merchandiser turned full-time ministry worker Josephine Lam shared her wonderful life story at the Not Gonna Lie online conference organised by Singapore Youth for...


When two sides hold different views, is loving conversation still possible?

By now I’m sure most of us have heard about a particular piece of news that’s gone viral relating to a transgender youth’s troubles.  It details a Redditor’s account of being...