Articles by

Gabriel Ong


My sister’s cancer and the power of prayer in our family

I come from a family steeped in ancestral worship. So when I became a Christian, my parents were understandably very upset and did not allow me to go to church. One time, my mother got extremely...


Office politics and how to rise above it

Like it or not, no office is free from politics. Wherever we are placed, there always seems to be an inevitable competition for recognition, pay raises and job security. Here are a few recent...


“God loves justice, but justice is not God”: Eugene Cho at The Justice Conference Asia

“I can’t stand your religious meetings. I’m fed up with your conferences and conventions. I want nothing to do with your religion projects, your pretentious slogans and goals. I’m sick of...


If God is real, why doesn’t He end our suffering?

Max Jeganathan is a speaker and writer at Thinking Faith. Born in Sri Lanka, Max’s family moved to Australia as refugees in the mid-1980s. He has worked as a lawyer and as a political adviser in...


Purity on the purple line

Ever since my mum sold the car a few months ago, I’ve been taking the train everywhere. And to be honest, that’s introduced a new problem into my life: I’ve been finding it super hard to...

National Service

Struggling to get used to NS life?

Under the Enlistment Act, I was due to enlist on July, 5 2019. Unlike my peers, I was actually looking forward to enlisting as I wanted a career in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). I had heard...

Surveys & Reports

Singapore’s connected generation: Anxious and disempowered?

“Despite living in a time of relative peace and social mobility, most young adults are not optimistic or empowered about their future.” This was one of the top-line findings from a global...


Don’t waste your waiting

In 2016, my mum was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. When I heard the news, I couldn’t help but ask God why. There were many questions in my mind, and I couldn’t stop thinking about them....


Confessions of a Nintendo Switch addict

I was recently listening to a sermon by a friend, and part of it included his sharing on how he finally gave up his computer game addiction by packing his whole PC into a box. I was also going to...