Articles by

Gabriel Ong


Purity on the purple line

Ever since my mum sold the car a few months ago, I’ve been taking the train everywhere. And to be honest, that’s introduced a new problem into my life: I’ve been finding it super hard to...

National Service

Struggling to get used to NS life?

Under the Enlistment Act, I was due to enlist on July, 5 2019. Unlike my peers, I was actually looking forward to enlisting as I wanted a career in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). I had heard...

Surveys & Reports

Singapore’s connected generation: Anxious and disempowered?

“Despite living in a time of relative peace and social mobility, most young adults are not optimistic or empowered about their future.” This was one of the top-line findings from a global...


Don’t waste your waiting

In 2016, my mum was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. When I heard the news, I couldn’t help but ask God why. There were many questions in my mind, and I couldn’t stop thinking about them....


Confessions of a Nintendo Switch addict

I was recently listening to a sermon by a friend, and part of it included his sharing on how he finally gave up his computer game addiction by packing his whole PC into a box. I was also going to...


The cost of daily bread

In secondary school, my daily habit would be to pack about three to four slices of Gardenia enriched white bread in a zip-lock bag, hide it under my desk and pinch on them throughout the day. It may...

Mental Health

Learning how to say no: 3 Ps to liberate your life

Lord of my life, finances, family and job… But how about Lord of my schedule? I love planning my life so much that I have it down to the hour. Even without the intense workload of teaching, I...

Life & Death

The time I attempted suicide

Pills and broken glass, tears and blood, fear and despair. It was one of the darkest nights of my life. I didn’t want to do it yet I couldn’t see how to face the next day. The pain of ending...

National Service

I faced down five weeks of depression in NS

In 2018, I struggled with depression for five weeks. As a National Serviceman, I was transitioning from an old camp to a new camp. Things were run differently, and having to adapt to the new...