Articles by

Gabriel Ong

Mental Health

Depression may be a giant, but God is greater

It has been more than four years in my struggle with depression.  In the first three years I thought to myself: “I just need to find someone to be there for me, to save me out of my misery.”...


Trying to change someone or show them they’re wrong?

I’ve attempted to change someone for years. I know how tiring it is, having relentlessly tried ways and means to make him believe in my goodwill. I’ve tried umpteen times to convince and...


I wanted to leave BSF because I didn’t feel challenged enough

I’ve been attending Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) for almost two years. With this year coming to a close, I’ve been thinking whether it might be time to move on.   BSF has still been a...

How-tos & Handles

5 ways to refocus your thoughts

Do you find it hard to take control of your thought life? Are you often besieged with negative thoughts, or do you find yourself constantly battling fears? Paul wrote to the Philippians church,...


Do you have a good friend?

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24) In His Kingdom, God graciously gives us a community of friends. He...


My sister’s cancer and the power of prayer in our family

I come from a family steeped in ancestral worship. So when I became a Christian, my parents were understandably very upset and did not allow me to go to church. One time, my mother got extremely...


Office politics and how to rise above it

Like it or not, no office is free from politics. Wherever we are placed, there always seems to be an inevitable competition for recognition, pay raises and job security. Here are a few recent...


“God loves justice, but justice is not God”: Eugene Cho at The Justice Conference Asia

“I can’t stand your religious meetings. I’m fed up with your conferences and conventions. I want nothing to do with your religion projects, your pretentious slogans and goals. I’m sick of...


If God is real, why doesn’t He end our suffering?

Max Jeganathan is a speaker and writer at Thinking Faith. Born in Sri Lanka, Max’s family moved to Australia as refugees in the mid-1980s. He has worked as a lawyer and as a political adviser in...