Articles by

Gabriel Ong


Will I ever be a dad?

When I married my wife at 25 years old, I already knew she loved kids. She just loves children. I, on the other hand, was neutral about this matter. Until two years later, while watching a diaper...


How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Love is the greatest thing in the world. Love is the very purpose of our lives. And what the Holy Spirit does and brings to our lives is all about love. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit living...


From cynicism to hope: Whatever it takes

I live my life based on a simple principle: Chasing that which produces eternal value or what I call Net Kingdom Profit. I want my life to count for the Kingdom. But if I’m being honest, I...

I'm a New Christian

Who is Jesus

Jesus is arguably the most significant human figure in history. There’s overwhelming historical evidence that Jesus existed.  1. He was a real person who existed  No serious historian would...


Celebration of Hope: Looking up on a night full of stars

We knew the last night of the Celebration of Hope would be special, but we hadn’t expected it to be quite so astounding. Filled with fun, songs and laughter, the final rally was a star-studded...


Celebration of Hope: People of pure joy

Rain could not stop this parade as the English/Filipino Rally defied the morning’s gloomy weather and roared to life. As roving drummers boomed within the dome, tens of thousands surged past...



【希望与你有约:丰足的希望】在五月十八日旁晚在国家体育场盛大举行。 多位海内外艺人都受邀前来分享他们如何在人生的低谷中找到希望。...


Celebration of Hope: Let the little children come

Saturday morning started with a thunderous bang as thousands of children and their families showed up for a fun day out at The Colours of Hope in the National Stadium. Despite the early hour, there...

Celebration of Hope: Freedom on a Friday night

The opening rally of the Celebration of Hope welcomed thousands of Singaporeans into the National Stadium, who came to hear the stories of hope. With freedom as the theme of the night, numbers in...