Articles by

Eunice Chin


Lent Devotional Day 9: Mocked, Flogged and Crucified

Most of us here have probably been mocked, very unlikely flogged and definitely never crucified. But Jesus experienced all three. Predicting His death for the third time to His disciples only...


Lent Devotional Day 7: The Atoning Sacrifice

As the atoning sacrifice, Jesus bore all the sins of humanity. He took upon Himself the sins of the whole world! While priests of the past had to make sacrifices over and over again, Jesus’...


Lent Devotional Day 11: Be on Guard

In a world that prioritises wealth and accumulating an abundance of possessions — the Lord warns us that we need to be careful not to let our lives be overcome with greed. If we are careless with...


Lent Devotional Day 5: The Lamb of God

In one sentence, John the Baptist encapsulates what is the single greatest act in human history – Jesus bearing the whole world’s sin.  Interestingly, sin is described in the singular tense...


Lent Devotional Day 2: The Humility of Christ

The verses here ought to leave us amazed. Jesus is God. If He had wanted to, Jesus could have chosen not to die on the cross. Yet, in true and sincere humility, Jesus made Himself nothing and simply...


4 green flags everyone would want to have

Since we’ve taken a look at red flags this week, let’s also examine some green flags – positive traits we would love to grow in our own lives (and see in a prospective...


3 encouragements to bear in mind for a grace-filled CNY

My favourite scene in the recently concluded first season of Percy Jackson and the Olympians was a heart-wrenching conversation between Sally Jackson and Poseidon. “I want him to know who he is...


Dragons in the Bible

Seen the dragon décor in Chinatown for Chinese New Year recently? One look, and one would immediately understand the hilarious uproar the dragon caused online. But while this Shrek-like dragon may...


Is tithing actually necessary?

A dollar coin. That was what my parents used to pass to my brother and me before they dropped us off for our children’s service. It was a weekly ritual: My hand would already be stretched to the...