The verses here ought to leave us amazed. Jesus is God. If He had wanted to, Jesus could have chosen not to die on the cross. Yet, in true and sincere humility, Jesus made Himself nothing and simply obeyed the will of His Father.

Biblical scholars have often referred to this passage in Philippians as the kenosis passage. The word translated “emptied” is a form of kenoó, from which we get the word kenosis – a term that refers to the doctrine of Christ’s “self-emptying” in His incarnation.

Jesus laid aside His divine privileges to become a servant, born in a lowly manger to die an excruciating death for the sins of man. Indeed, crucification was one of the most shameful and torturous ways to die – but Jesus willingly let Himself be nailed onto the cross. This is our Servant King.

Today, how can we learn obedience like He has shown us? Are we willing to lay down our rights and lives in service and humility?